
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Art: Peace Out! With PreK

The students are learning about basic art tools, like markers. September is Peace Month, so they each colored a symbol for peace.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Art: Mirrors for self portraits

When we draw a self-portrait, we sometimes *observe* ourselves in mirrors. Xavier is really enjoying this part of our art time!

Art: Collaboration!

Our first art project this year is for ALL of our Shriver students to create self-portraits. Our grade 1-5 students are using a photo of half of their face as a starting point to major creativity!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Art: Welcome Back!

It's a new school year, and Ms. Stone is so excited to be back with the Shriver students. Stay tuned for lots of information about what they will be learning in art class this year!